Friday, April 11, 2008

Returning to the fold

Well, it's been a while. A long while, in fact, since I've written anything online. There is a small chance that some of the readers who stumble in here may remember a little blog called Bullets in the Hole, which was started by a friend of mine in the infancy of the online poker explosion. That blog was a tentative experiment that resulted in the discovery of a nascent community that enjoyed playing poker, writing about it, and dropping the hammer at every opportunity. One of the more enterprising poker bloggers at that time even created a hammer-related challenge that went through three separate iterations. That was the kind of community it was; small, but growing and enthusiastic. We had our own deities, such as Iggy and Dr. Pauly to keep us inspired. I'm happy to see that they are still writing, but sad to say that I haven't kept up with the community for the last several years.

Perhaps this is a chance to become involved again, in a small way.

1 comment:

Pauly said...

Welcome back ROD!